capline dental services

Glen Coutinho

July 3, 2023
Importance of Choosing the Right Dental Credentialing Services Company

Importance of Choosing the Right Dental Credentialing Services Company

As a provider of dental healthcare, it is crucial to undertake certain measures while dealing with insurance carriers in order to guarantee optimal coverage for all […]
July 3, 2023
Best Practices to Maximize ROI For Dental Billing & Collections

Best Practices to Maximize ROI For Dental Billing & Collections

In today’s challenging dental care landscape, billing and claims are critical components for the success of a dental practice. Using patient billing services has become a […]
April 4, 2023
What are the most common errors encountered during claims processing?

What are the most common errors encountered during claims processing?

A large percentage of claim denial rates can considerably lower the revenue..
April 4, 2023
Provider Credentialing-Why is it Necessary

Provider Credentialing: Why is it Necessary?

All patients deserve the best care that can be extended to them. One way to instill a sense of confidence and hope in the
February 23, 2023
Tips to Ensure Successful and Ethical Dental Insurance Billing

Tips to Ensure Successful and Ethical Dental Insurance Billing

A vital operation at any dental office or practice is dental insurance billing. While offering patients quality care and outcomes is imperative
February 22, 2023
Reduce Unnecessary Overhead Costs For Your Dental Practice

Reduce Unnecessary Overhead Costs For Your Dental Practice

As dental practitioners and experts, it is quite obvious that running an office is a pretty expensive affair.