CDT Code For Dental Gold Teeth Restorations

Gold foil is one of the oldest forms of dental treatment available for repairing cavities. A gold foil restoration is generally a filling technique of decayed teeth that exploits the properties of gold being welded in its cold state, owing to its cohesive nature and biocompatible nature as it is an inert metal since it is readily accepted by the oral tissues.

D2410: This code is used to bill for gold foil, one surface. In this technique, dentists would take the gold leaf and put sheets of gold into the cavity.

D2420: This is for filling gold foil, two surfaces.

D2430: For filling Gold foil, three surfaces.

D2780: Crown - 3/4 cast high noble metal: With this dental procedure code, the prosthetic crown fitted to the tooth is completely constructed of high noble metal, but only covers 3/4 of the tooth's overall surface.

D2790: With this dental procedure code, the prosthetic crown is completely constructed of high noble metal, and covers the entire remaining portion of the tooth. The composition of crown is of gold.

D6210: Pontic (part of the bridge replacing missing teeth) - cast high noble metal.

D6602: Retainer inlay - cast high noble metal, two surfaces

D6603: Retainer inlay - cast high noble metal, three or more surfaces

D6610: Retainer onlay - cast high noble metal, two surfaces

D6611 : Retainer onlay - cast high noble metal, three or more surfaces

D6780 : Retainer crown (portion of bridge that covers the supporting or the abutment teeth)- 3/4 cast high noble metal

D6792 : Retainer crown - full cast noble metal

CDT Code

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