Impacted teeth are extremely troublesome. They not only impact the tooth by trajecting at an angle and interfering with adjacent teeth but also cause an infection. These are some obvious reasons which require the impacted wisdom tooth to be removed.
D7220: Removal of impacted tooth - soft tissue occlusal surface of tooth covered by soft tissue; requires mucoperiosteal flap elevation.
D7230: Removal of impacted tooth which is partially bony with part of crown covered by bone; requires mucoperiosteal flap elevation and bone removal.
D7240: Removal of the impacted tooth which is completely bony with most or all of the crown covered by bone; requires mucoperiosteal flap elevation and bone removal.
D7241: Removal of the impacted tooth which is completely bony with unusual surgical complications. Most or all of the crown is covered by bone making the procedure unusually difficult or complicated due to factors such as requirement of nerve dissection, separate closure of maxillary sinus required or aberrant tooth position.