CDT Code For Dental Membrane Placement

D4266, Guided Tissue Regeneration - Resorbable Barrier, Per Site: This procedure does not include flap entry and closure, or, when indicated, wound debridement, osseous contouring, bone replacement grafts, and placement of biologic materials to aid in osseous regeneration.” Can be used for periodontal and peri-implant defects.

D4267, Guided Tissue Regeneration - Non-Resorbable Barrier: This procedure does not include flap entry and closure, or, when indicated, wound debridement, osseous contouring, bone replacement grafts, and placement of biologic materials to aid in osseous regeneration.” You can use this procedure for periodontal and peri-implant defects. Furthermore this dental bone graft includes the removal of the membrane.

CDT Code

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