Should I invest In Outsourced Dental Billing Services?

Should I invest In Outsourced Dental Billing Services?

Dental billing and coding can get quite tricky when compared to billing procedures for other medical services or specialties. Dental practice management requires a clear billing and coding game plan to ensure a ceaseless cash flow. 

The team managing dental claims needs to be proficient with billing and coding to process quality claims, reflecting maximum reimbursement and increased collections. Here is where dental billing outsourcing makes all the difference. These firms specialize in billing, claims, and coding and offer experience and expertise to a dental practice by managing all the rudiments for claims processing while also boosting the collection rate.

Are Dental Billing Companies Required? 

Before considering the services of an external partner, one can evaluate possible errors that happen in the billing process if handled by internal teams. 

  • The phone lines could be busy due to frequent calls with the insurance companies. The practice can lose a patient because the team may not have the bandwidth to handle the influx of calls. A  missed schedule is an opportunity loss from a revenue perspective.  
  • In the event of any inaccuracies fed in the dental software such as insurance or demographic details, claims will not be successfully processed by the insurance company and may result in non-payment.  
  • Insurance verification before the commencement of treatment is often given the slip across many practices and is a critical component of patient management. A lapse in verification will pave the way for revenue loss due to unpaid claims.  
  • Due to a paucity of time, patient information might not get documented. This could be clinical notes outlining all patient interactions or even a breakdown of a patient’s treatment history. An absence or partial documentation can pave the way for legal issues in case the practice has to get audited by the insurance firm or if a patient files a complaint.  

Outsourcing dental billing services is an investment that can provide a guaranteed maximum return. As a dental professional and entrepreneur, one must evaluate the collection rate at the practice. If it is low,  one must explore avenues to invest and manage the problem so that that cash register keeps ticking. One can then decide if outsourcing dental billing services is worth the time and money. 

Driving up the percentage of the collection 

Increasing the percentage of the collection is possible if there is proper verification of the patient’s insurance, receiving the payment for the cost of treatment up-front, and dispatching insurance claims daily. Simultaneously, one also needs to oversee the aging report frequently. 

Outsourced dental billing companies can do most of the critical tasks that are needed to drive the percentage of collections. From reviewing a patient's insurance and collecting their patient contribution to the submission of insurance claims and managing receivables reports and analytics, all can be done by an outsourced dental billing organization.  

Outsourced dental billing can deliver results  

Outsourcing billing services would make the overall claims process more rigorous and streamlined. The result would be seen in higher collections. Dealing with insurance partners about claim settlements and disputes should not take up your time when you have patients on the go. 

When a practice hires the services of a dental billing firm, you are not only making the lives of your front office team easier but also increasing collection percentages.  

Outsourcing releases time for quality care 

Billing can get complex, and mastering it takes time and dedication. Hiring the services of a professional billing specialist enables the dental staff to prioritize the patient experience. Outsourcing helps to eliminate the time, the in-house team would have spent on the entire dental billing process.  

With quality time on hand, the dental staff can outline insurance coverage and treatment plans for a better understanding by patients. The patients can understand their insurance plans better, leading to higher case acceptance and more revenue for your practice. All while ensuring that your patient gets the necessary dental care needed for their overall health.  

The team has to keep abreast date with coding and insurance administration revisions 

The dental care industry is always evolving. Updates and changes in codes keep happening yearly while insurance laws may vary across regions and states.  The team has to stay connected in order to review all major changes and updates. At the same time, it is costly and cumbersome to send the staff on regular training or seminars.  

Outsourced billing teams continue to keep abreast of changes in the dental industry and help ensure that the billing process is not just correct, but legal and ethical.

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