Regardless of whether you run a small practice or a large one, there is significant amount of constant work in sending claims, posting EOBs, appealing denied claims and managing accounts receivables. We can alleviate this burden from your practice, as we are solely dedicated to processing claims more accurately and quickly while appealing denied claims and reducing your accounts receivable.
We follow a proven methodology and efficiently process all claims on a daily basis. We are experts in analyzing and solving billing problems such as missing attachments or narratives. Our Accounts Receivable team is on phone with the insurance company relentlessly pursuing claims on a daily basis to minimize delays. This translates into increased collections and reduced accounts receivable for our clients.
Get paid faster with our accurate billing service. Before submitting the claims, our team of billers does a quality check on claims and check for completeness and accuracy. This allows higher rate of first-pass claims and faster payment from insurance companies.
Insurance companies commonly request unnecessary adjustments, meaning that you get less money than you deserve. With its experience, Capline Dental Services ensures that you get what is rightfully yours while minimizing adjustments and write-offs.
When office managers become ill or must take a few days off, you will no longer have to worry when you implement the premier billing services of Capline Dental Services. There will no longer be disruptions in collections as there is always someone working on your billing collections regardless of what is occurring in your practice.
After we take over billing & collection tasks, your office manager will be able to dedicate more time on important tasks of building healthy schedule, advanced treatment planning, managing staff members effectively, and delivering better patient experience. This will result in higher production, higher case acceptance, engaged employees and improved patient retention. All will lead to higher profitability for your practice.
Our billing service ensures that all insurance payments and adjustments are posted properly to all patient ledgers on a timely basis. As EOBs are received along with payments, they are also saved in office’s local computer system in an organized manner. This gives the office staff the ability to reference EOBs when needed. This is essential for the office staff to be able to explain to patients why a claim might be denied, and why they might owe a balance to the office.
We provide detailed reporting that gives a complete view into different stages of billing and collection process. This information is delivered in regular email reports that track office collections and production ratios, including:
Our team of billing and collection specialists is always available to provide assistance and answer any questions. We are only a phone call or email away.
All of our work is done in compliance with HIPAA privacy and security standards, ensuring that your patient’s personal information is safe.
Our all-inclusive fee is a small percentage of your collections, which is billed to you on the first day of each month. Because we get paid after you get paid, it is imperative that we do our best to maximize your collections. Our incentives are aligned. Also, we do not have any long-term contracts. You can cancel at any time without a penalty with just a 30 days’ notice. Of course, we are certain that we would increase your insurance collections and reduce your expenses, and you will stay with us. Begin experiencing the Capline Dental Services difference in your practice, today.