Understanding the terms of dental insurance could be confusing for many, as many dental insurance plans provide different levels of benefits ranging from 50-90%. Most patients continue taking treatment without knowing how much will be paid by their insurance provider. Unknowingly, sometimes they receive a bill of high charges of dental services from their dentist that is their responsibility and they are not ready to pay that bill.
Most of the time, at the time of taking a dental insurance policy patients, tend to forget, or sometimes insurance won’t tell them how much percentage of medical claim they will pay based on the fee schedule created by their insurance company and how much is patient’s responsibility. Unknowingly if the patient receives treatment from a dentist who is not under contract with an insurance company, there will be a good chance that percentage will go wrong and the patient will leave with a huge bill. So, how to know what should be the accurate benefit estimate? The answer is understanding "dental predetermination"
What is meant by predetermination?
A predetermination will suggest to the patient about their financial responsibility if any is not covered under their specific dental insurance plan. A processed predetermination remains for a year unless you did not change your insurance policy. A predetermination provides an estimate of the pocket portion that needs to be paid by the patient for the proposed treatment plan.
Why should you have a dental predetermination?
For dental services of more than $300, many dental insurance companies suggest submitting letters of predetermination by insurance company providers to the dentists. A dental predetermination provides a better estimate of the financial liability of the patient.
What are the benefits of dental predetermination?
A predetermination of benefits is a suggested written estimate provided by your dental insurance provider to pay specific treatment costs as per information suggested by your dentists.
This process is helpful for both dentists and patients as it helps patients to understand what is their responsibility. As the documentation process is complete and satisfied before the starting of the patient that helps in timely claim settlement. A patient can ask their dentist about their predetermination of benefits before receiving any dental services. Once your dentist submits the predetermination form then it will be reviewed by their dental consultants who have licensed dentists too. Lastly, it will be mailed to you and the dentist as well.
What is meant by predetermination?
A predetermination will suggest to the patient about their financial responsibility if any is not covered under their specific dental insurance plan. A processed predetermination remains for a year unless you did not change your insurance policy. A predetermination provides an estimate of the pocket portion that needs to be paid by the patient for the proposed treatment plan.
Why should you have a dental predetermination?
For dental services of more than $300, many dental insurance companies suggest submitting letters of predetermination by insurance company providers to the dentists. A dental predetermination provides a better estimate of the financial liability of the patient.
What are the benefits of dental predetermination?
A predetermination of benefits is a suggested written estimate provided by your dental insurance provider to pay specific treatment costs as per information suggested by your dentists.
This process is helpful for both dentists and patients as it helps patients to understand what is their responsibility. As the documentation process is complete and satisfied before the starting of the patient that helps in timely claim settlement. A patient can ask their dentist about their predetermination of benefits before receiving any dental services. Once your dentist submits the predetermination form then it will be reviewed by their dental consultants who have licensed dentists too. Lastly, it will be mailed to you and the dentist as well.